Top 9 đ¤ Things in Your House That Are Grossing Out Your Guests
If you're anything like us, you have the best intentions when entertaining. Nothing but the finest bath towels in the guest bathroom! Casually arranged trays of Perrier and Yankee Candles everywhere.
In reality, just hours before guests arrive youâre more than likely frantically cleaning and Febrezing every corner in sight. Donât worry- your guests will forgive you if the house isn't in catalog condition. But you know what they won't forgive? Some pretty disgusting stuff that you might have overlooked in your haste to pretty things up.
With some expert help, we've identified the top things in your house that are grossing out your guests. Some of these problem areas are quick fixes, but others will take a little more planning and effort to resolve.
Start addressing the ick factor now, and you'll be wowing your guests in no time.

1. Dirty bathroom
Rings around the tub, grime on the shower floor, and toothpaste scum in the sinks are not just visually unappealing, but they also make your guests wonder how well the house has been maintained. Itâs crucial to keep the things people can see, clean.

2. Shower curtain liner
Nobody wants to see your discolored or mildewed liner when they step into the shower to, you know, get clean. Before guests arrive, toss your liner into the washer with a cup of vinegar and a few towels; run a short cycle for five minutes, then let everything soak for an hour. Turn the cycle back on, and hang the liner up to dry.

3. Pet hair
Nothing says "welcome to our home" like tufts of dog hair floating across your living room like tumbleweeds. An easy solution: Vacuum regularly (and if you're strapped for time or just plain lazy, invest in a set-it-and-forget-it robotic vacuum).

4. Dirty hand towels
Would you want to dry your hands on the same damp towel everyone else in the house has been using? Spring for some disposable hand towels, and save your guests the disgust factorâand a possible trip to urgent care.

5. Fuzzy toilet seat cover
We can't believe this is still a thing. But alas, here we are, and guests will certainly be grossed out for all the same reasons as above. These things are germ magnets, given their proximity to the throne.

6. Used, old pillows
The guest room might seem like a good place to put your old pillows that you just can't bring yourself to toss. But here's a hard truth to face: If you wouldn't sleep on those pillows, your guests shouldn't have to, either.
7. Old sponges and loofas
Toss them after a week or so of use, and hide them when guests are around.

8. Slow draining shower
Nobody wants to stand in 3 inches of dirty water. Hire a plumber to investigate the source of any backup, and save your guests this indelicate nightmare.

9. Sticky counters
Sticky cabinet and counter surfacesâtypically the result of grease buildup from months and years of cookingâare a major cringe-inducer for guests.